Marin Jaime Pera’s Marin Real Estate Market Update – Year End 2019 Happy New Year!  Hoping that you enjoyed the holidays and that you had an opportunity to rest and recharge. In my mid-year 2019 report, I talked about a growing trend of declining values that started in 2018 and continued into the first seven months of 2019.  Data at the time showed that the average sales price […]
Marin Jaime Pera’s Marin Market Update – Mid Year 2019  Happy Summer! Hoping that everyone has had an opportunity to enjoy a much-needed vacation.  If not, there still is time! The market has changed quite a bit since my last update, as the warning signs that appeared in 2018 particularly in the second half of the year have now been documented statistically (prices have decreased). […]
Uncategorized JAIME PERA’S MARIN MARKET UPDATE – YEAR END 2018     Jaime Pera’s Marin Real Estate Market Update  Year End 2018 Happy New Year! I’ve got one word that may best describe the 2019 Marin Real Estate Market:  Opportunity! Opportunity for buyers who have been shut out of the market because of extreme demand, rising values, and the overwhelming number of multiple offers and […]
Marin Family Activities Family Adventure in the Marin Headlands Family Adventure in the Marin Headlands COURTESY OF PAMELA FOX | SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 Located at the very south end of Marin County, the Marin Headlands has much to offer for families and is one of our favorite destinations for a day of outdoor adventure. The Marine Mammal Center, wildlife, beaches, history, natural beauty, sweeping […]
Marin Marin History Museum and San Rafael Elk’s Lodge Celebrate the 131st Anniversary of Louise Arner Boyds Birth    
Marin September Marin Calendar of Events! Summer is Winding Down Calendar of Events. Enjoy all that September has to offer in Marin!   Saturday, September 1st (Every Saturday):Marin Country Mart Farmer’s Market Sunday, September 2nd:Djangofest Returns to Throckmorton Sunday, September 2nd:The Commons’ 1st Sundays Block Party Saturday – Monday, September 1st – September 3rd:66th Sausalito Art Festival Saturday, September 8th:Sound Summit: […]
Real Estate Jaime Pera’s Marin Market Update – Mid Year Report   Jaime Pera’s Marin Real Estate Market Update  Mid-Year 2018 We are currently in the 79th month of the real estate recovery which started in January 2012.  Over this period, the median price of Marin real estate has risen almost 65% and now stands at approximately $1,400,000.  An astounding reversal of events. Real estate slowed […]
Marin Marin History Museum Celebration Event at Sweetwater in Mill Valley on October 18, 2018 To purchase tickets, For more information please call 415-382-1182
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Marin Jaime Pera’s Marin Real Estate Market Update – 8-31-17   Jaime Pera’s Marin Real Estate Market Update  August 31, 2017 As we enter the fall selling season one thing remains clear; there doesn’t seem to be anything that can stop this market!  Although we are operating at lower inventory levels than past years we continue to see great buyer demand coupled with an all-out […]
Uncategorized Marin History Museum June 2017 Newsletter  JUNE 2017   MHM Speakers Series Rails to Trails Thursday, June 22, 2017, 7:00 pm Elks Lodge, 1312 Mission Ave., San Rafael Rails to Trails:  Learn about the Legacy Left by Marin’s Railroads Featured Speaker: Bill Kaufman Up until 1940, Marin had the kind of commuter railroad that would be useful today. It reached from […]
Marin The History of Winship Park in Ross Thanks to the Marin History Museum I was able to examine a copy of one of the original sales brochures for the Winship Park tract in Ross.  The sales literature touts the great weather (no fog and no wind), schools, churches, availability of food and produce, and the 55 minute combined train and ferry ride […]
Marin Do You Live in an Area that is Susceptible to Liquefaction? 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake – SF Gate Curious about the impact that liquefaction could have on our homes should we experience a major earthquake I felt compelled to research this topic and identify the areas in Marin that are most susceptible to this phenomenon.  What triggered this question was the extensive rainfall we received this […]
Real Estate Tips for Upsizing or Downsizing in an Inventory Constrained Market   Our real estate markets have recovered nicely from the 2007 economic collapse, a forgettable time when family, friends, and many of us experienced job loss, ruined credit, short sales, and foreclosures.  To put things in perspective, at market bottom in July 2010 when most people were unwilling to risk purchasing a home, Marin County’s […]
Marin Marin County’s Fifty-Three Oldest Historic Structures! As a life-long learner, lover of history, and Marin County realtor, I recently became curious about the oldest structures that remain standing in our County.  Thinking that this list would be relatively easy to compile given the number of books and articles that have been written about Marin’s history I set off to research the […]
Marin Family Activities Four Marin Museums Sure to Entertain This Holiday Season! The month of December is here and another holiday season awaits us, a time traditionally spent with family and friends.  With children out of school and the potential for out of town visitors it’s good to be armed with a wide assortment of entertainment options, particularly those that are nearby, easy to get to, offer […]
Trends North Bay Real Estate Market is Showing Signs of Fatigue A discussion about Marin would be incomplete without some conversation about real estate since we happen to live in some of the most beautiful real estate in the world!  So as we approach the end of 2016 I thought it important to share information about interesting changes we are observing in our market.  No, I […]
Marin Why I Love Marin I really love living in Marin! In fact, I’ve lived here off and on since 1960 when our family first moved to Tiburon. Hard to believe but true
Marin How Did Marin County Get Its Name? Do you know how Marin County got its name? Legend has it that this was the name of a well-known Indian chief of a tribe of Coastal Miwok Indians who was born in what is now Mill Valley in 1781.
Marin Marin County Free Library System I want to take a moment to give the Marin County Free Library system a big shout out for the amazingly painless system they have created that gives Marin residents a tremendous tool with which to continue learning.